Sunday, July 20, 2008

Google CodeJam 2008

Here is the problem...

Finally the codejam qualification day arrived after long wait. Just understanding all the algorithm problems correctly consumed 1/2 an hour of my 2 hours I could take out from my job. I could submit solution to only the first problem (Saving the universe) in the remaining time (sucks!). However it was enough to qualify for the round 1 and I could only hope to get more time this time.
Problems are definitely quite tough and I am fairly sure I couldn't have solved the "fly swatter" problem in the given time (my humble bow in adoration to those who did).

To the left is the program I created to solve the "Saving the Universe" problem in Java. Start with the assumption that inputLines contain the lines of the input file in order.

If you think any major modifications could be done to the program I would love to hear it.